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ICAMeO-2019 was a 3 day International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Optimisation, in association with Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. As part of the inaugural ceremony, an Industry-Academia conclave was organised. The keynote speakers from industry representatives includes Dr. Chiranjiv Roy, Vice President-Data Science & AI, Nissan Digital India and Mr. Raghunath Nair, Deputy General Manager - Connected Cars, Nissan Motor Corporation. Academic speakers includes Dr. David N V, Head of Research (International/Private Grant/VCSP), Dr. Saravana Kannan Thangavelu, Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia, Dr. Bipin Balaram, Amrita Viswavidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Dr. D. Bijulal, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GEC Bartonhill. 69 out of 101 papers were selected for oral presentation after a comprehensive peer review process and the selected papers were published in scopus indexed AIP conference proceedings.


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